- 9-11 lbs of pickling cucumbers (about 50–3 to 4 inches)
- 4 ⅔ cups Mrs. Wages® White Distilled Vinegar (5% acidity)
- 2 cups water
- 7 cups sugar
- 1 pouch Mrs. Wages® Sweet Pickles Mix
PREPARE & PROCESS home canning jars and lids according to
manufacturer’s instructions for sterilized jars. Keep jars hot.
WASH cucumbers and drain. Cut a 1/16-inch slice off blossom end and
discard. Cut cucumbers into thin slices. WHOLE CUCUMBERS NOT
COMBINE Mrs. Wages® White Distilled Vinegar, water, sugar and Mrs.
Wages® Sweet Pickles Mix into a large non-reactive saucepan. Do not use
aluminum. Bring mixture just to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly
until mixture dissolves. Remove from heat.
PACK cucumbers into sterilized hot jars, leaving ½-inch headspace. Evenly
divide hot pickling liquid among the packed jars, leaving ½-inch headspace.
Unused brine may be stored in a non-reactive container up to 1 week in
refrigerator. Remove air bubbles, wipe rim and cap each jar as it is filled. If
more liquid is needed for proper headspace, add a mix of 2 parts hot vinegar
and 1 part hot water.
PROCESS pints 10 minutes*, quarts 15 minutes*, in a boiling water bath
canner. Turn off heat, carefully remove canner lid, and let jars stand for 5
minutes in canner. Remove jars. Let jars sit undisturbed to cool at room
temperature for 12 to 24 hours. Test jars for airtight seals according to
manufacturer’s directions. If jars do not completely seal, refrigerate and
consume within 1 week.
Product is ready to eat after 24 hours. Before serving, chill to enhance flavor
and crispness. Store properly processed shelf-stable product in a cool place,
and use within 1 year.